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Sunday, November 29, 2009


Pukul 3.20 am. Tak tido lagi. Got carried away... signing up for hubby's facebook. Mithali punya bini kan? Naik letih dok cakap kat dia suh bukak akaun. Dah bukak rupanya tahun lepas, tapi password dah 8 kali lupa! Berapa kali dok reset. Dahla guna email office yang tak boleh browse internet. So, dia transfer all notification mails from Facebook ke Yahoo personal mail. Dan email Yahoo tu pulak dibuka hanya sebulan sekali. Very the hazab kan? So, i create the all-new account for him and notify all his friends yang selamani 'menumpang' kat akaun Facebook Makcik Rehan

Masa bulan posa haritu, we met his old skul fren. When asked,
Ada facebook tak Pul?

Takdak. Ko add bini aku punya facebook. Nanti kalau ada apa2 event, dia bitau aku.
[Bini dia pon hazab gak ilmu fesbuk, but considered okay la banding laki dia :P]

So, all this while, PS kalau dok hadap laptop tu buat apa?

Memancing - tgok clip mancing kat Youtube, alat2 mancing
Membola - latest, very-very addicted to Football Premier Fantasy!
Mendownload - movie, lagu, clips etc
Mengkereta - tengok gamba design2 modified car, keta lelong kat mudah

So, done creating new account for him. Nak tengok, lepasni dia akan view page atau tidak. [by the way, i knew his password - so i can filter who can be his friends kan?] - ada unsur2 queen control disitu :P

So, for those USMians, SEMEKARians, PERODUAnians [who happens to read this blog and know my hubby, do add him - I'll be the one who will verify your request :P]

Gd nite!

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