This blog serves as an online memory book for me & hubby; dedicated to our our little girl; Aisyah.Aisyah was born on 2nd April 2007, 7 pm at Hospital Sungai Bulohon unmedicated labour and normal birth after being postdated for 7 days.
We hope one day Aisyah [and her other sibling(s)] will enjoy reading stories written about us and will also post in her [their] own words!
Everythings here is PERSONAL. Personal views, personal memories, personal journals, personal articles, personal thoughts, personal photos, personal judgments and so on - UNLESS STATED.
Assalamualaikum WBT
Mencah balik sekolah tengahari tadi aku tengah engage kat phone dengan Ayah
kat kampung. As usual, dia bagi salam, masuk bilik dan dat...
1 Scribbles:
sedapnya tenogk sayur campur tuh, rasa nak makan jelah!!
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