Mencah sgt jakun everytime she sees CROCS or anything like CROCS (CROCS spelling is with or witout 'S' ekk?). You know what I mean rite... yup! those type of shoes. The above pic, thats her sedang 'test power' kasut sorang budak cina kat dalam playground Mc D last week. Sib baik parents budak cina tu very the sporting.
Never mind. Let her try. I wanna see also what my daughter will do ...
Iskk... bikin malu I jer taww.... but funny jugak. Kehulu kehilir dia kejar Mencah yg syok sendiri pakai kasut org. Bila Mencah tanggalkan kasut tu, cepat2 dia dtg kutip. Pastu dia sorok kat celah slide..Hahaha..gelak besar kitorang.

So, this weekend Babah bought her this rainbow color CROC CAP AYAM at Tesco Selayang. Kali ni kami berjaya dpt size dia. Dah byk kali try carik merata-rata mall, payah nk jumpa size.
price?? rm6.90 sajorrr....

Proudly mengangkang tak hengat... showing off her capailang croc!
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