Oh my godddd... I am super canggih now!! with my not-so-canggih-cikai-henfon, I can blogging using my henfon. I've sent this photo from my henfon direct to blogger! (That was Aisyah trying to do PEACE action in her very own way..hihihi) yup, sorry...gambar tu patutnya i 'landscapekan'... tak geti lagilah..nnt i try again ekk..

Daku semakin menyukai Sony Ericson k530i ku ini. hiks hiks hiks...
Allow me to give some tutorials on this!
STEP 1 :
Instead of 'lutut' kan photo from my henfon to my laptop and then upload it manually to my blog, i use the TO BLOG function which will redirect me to a newly created blog. I can view the mobile blog here :
This is the printscreen

At this stage, haku dah kembang semangkuk dah. Kakakaa.. org dah sampai ke bulan, saya baru tau blogging from henfon. Belum habis lagi....
STEP 2 :
Tett! Tett! (bunyi sms masuk...)
It says :
To edit your blog, use your computer to go to this page: http://go.blogger.com/ and key in the claim token (password) : XXXXXXX
Inilah printscreen nya
Lepas key in the password, dia akan mintak kita log in to our google account. So, saya masukkan id dan password yg sama mcm my current blog (blog mencah nilah). Then, dia akan tanya... do we want this entry to be sent to a new blog atau send to our current blog. Of cos saya send terus ke blog mencah lah!
Taddaaaa.... dah siap! Ohhh...sungguh teruja! One thing, am not sure whether this service is FOC or chargable. Nanti I try sekali lagi..hihihi
Daku semakin menyukai Sony Ericson k530i ku ini. hiks hiks hiks...
Allow me to give some tutorials on this!
STEP 1 :
Instead of 'lutut' kan photo from my henfon to my laptop and then upload it manually to my blog, i use the TO BLOG function which will redirect me to a newly created blog. I can view the mobile blog here :
This is the printscreen
At this stage, haku dah kembang semangkuk dah. Kakakaa.. org dah sampai ke bulan, saya baru tau blogging from henfon. Belum habis lagi....
STEP 2 :
Tett! Tett! (bunyi sms masuk...)
It says :
To edit your blog, use your computer to go to this page: http://go.blogger.com/ and key in the claim token (password) : XXXXXXX
Inilah printscreen nya
Taddaaaa.... dah siap! Ohhh...sungguh teruja! One thing, am not sure whether this service is FOC or chargable. Nanti I try sekali lagi..hihihi
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